Fr. Frank Sabatté, CSP

Remember Those Who Are Not
An art installation by Mark Brennan and Fr. Frank Sabatté, CSP
Most of Mark Brennan’s “Plainsong Elegies” are dedicated to the residents of Green Wood Cemetery. In these symbolic “portraits,” meticulously painted pictures of decayed leaves and twigs found on the ground, the fragments are stand-ins for the mortal remains of the people buried there. They include rich and poor, male and female, young and old…. In our last days here, just as in our first, all the signifiers of our identity – our career, our titles, our race, our nationality, our gender, our sexual orientation, our political allegiances – fall away as trivial and as peripheral to our Self as the name we bore and the clothes we once wore.
Frank Sabatté’s work consists of two acrylic paintings of his family members, all of whom are gone now, as well as some friends, colleagues and victims of the Khmer Rouge massacres, rendered with his unique random stitch free motion embroidery technique. For Sabatté the experience of creating the works places him in touch with the Catholic belief in the “Communion of Saints,” that our beloved dead do not live merely in our memories but are in intimate communion with us.
Gowanus Boathouse
165 2nd St. (at Bond Street)
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Hours: 1:00-5:00
May 1, 8, 9, 15, 22, (29 closed due to weather)
Reception: May 22 5:00-7:00pm